Thursday, May 14, 2015

Skinny minny

Years ago when I was a child schools had real nurses and a nurses' office.  Schools tested sight, hearing and basic health.  My turn came to go to the nurses' office for my check up.  My eyes were tested and we learned that I needed glasses.  I had a lazy eye that needed strengthening and glasses would do the trick.
The nurse then weighed me and administered a Tuberculosis test.  My TB test, read a few days later, showed positive.  It was determined the results were an "exposure" positive, meaning I had been exposed to Tuberculosis by being around someone with it.  I had not known before that time that my paternal grandmother had had Tuberculosis before and had been in a sanitarium long before I was born, even before my parents had married.  This information came out as we tried to determine where my exposure had come from.
While the Tuberculosis was explained my low weight was not.  I was very thin for my age.  My being underweight seemed to be a problem although not to me.  Only being in fifth grade I didn't understand the concern.  It did not appear to affect my athletic abilities, comfort or health in any way so I did not understand the problem.  The school nurse saw it as a serious problem and called my parents up to the school and required them to take me to the doctor and return to the school with a report, which my parents did.  The doctor gave me some pills that would increase my appetite and help me gain weight.  I don't recall it ever working and even if the pills had increased my appetite I didn't (don't) like meat, starches were few in my diet and my first love was (is) fruits, vegetables and cheese.  It would take a lot of fruits, vegetables and cheese to gain the weight I needed to.  My parents did make me milk shakes nearly every day.  I began to dislike them as a child because I had to drink so many and it never worked anyway.  I could not gain weight while I was young.  I graduated high school at the height of 5' 61/2" and weighing only 85 pounds.  I was a walking bag of bones.  I wore a child's size 16; it was very difficult to find clothes so I made my own.  It wasn't my choice to be so small; it was just how my body was.  I was healthy and happy.  There appeared to be no need to worry, so, I did not. 

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