Sunday, May 31, 2015

Lesson Learned!

When my oldest son was less than two and I was pregnant with my daughter we were living in Montgomery, Alabama.  We lived in a nice large three bedroom home where the den and kitchen were at the back of the house.  The side door to the house that led out onto the driveway entered through the side of the kitchen.  The door was one of those that has a window in the top, there were curtains hanging to block anyone from seeing in; directly next to this door stood the refrigerator. 
One evening after I had gotten my son to bed and had my husband all settled I thought, "I better get the dishwasher unloaded before morning, it will be easier."  I let Rob know I would be unloading the dishwasher and took off towards the kitchen to take care of it.
The living room in the house was at the front of the house and in front of the den and kitchen.  There was a doorway at the end of the hall not visible from the kitchen and the second doorway was at the other end of the room that went into the kitchen.  Little known to me Rob had snuck down the hall, through the living room and into the kitchen and was hiding next to the refrigerator just out of sight.  I never noticed him enter because I was concentrating on the job I was doing so I was ignorant of his position or intent.
Rob had this morbid need to scare the life out of me.  Nothing seemed to give him more pleasure than to scare me so bad that I screamed and jumped out of my skin.  He had planned this moment carefully, or so he thought.
As I was unloading the dishwasher I began to unload the utensil basket placing the knives, forks and spoons in the drawer directly next to the dishwasher.  Then I came to the huge, extremely sharp knife I had used in preparation of the evening meal.  I pulled it out of the basket, crossed the kitchen to put it in the cabinet next to the refrigerator and just as I reached up to place it in the cabinet (out of reach of my son) Rob decided to jump out from behind the refrigerator.  He got his desired scream all right but what he wasn't counting on was the knife.  In my fright I brought the knife down with a swift swing and came within an hairs breathe of stabbing my own husband by accident.  Guess who screamed then?  There we stood, both of us gasping for air from our fright.  I started to cry and he felt guilty and relieved since he was still alive.  Lets just say he never stopped frightening me half to death, still does it to this day, but he NEVER frightens me when I am unloading the dishwasher!  Lesson learned! 

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