Thursday, May 21, 2015


My sister Vickie tended to be accident prone.  While living at the Radnor Road house my sisters accident proneness nearly got her killed.  My father was working on our family car, he always worked on our cars, he was a skilled mechanic and saved our family tons of money by doing the work himself.  The Radnor Road house had a two foot high side porch on it directly next to the driveway so it was convenient for my father to line his tools up along the edge of the porch while he worked.  We children often played on our side porch and we did that day.  Dad was bad about putting gasoline in cleaned out drink bottles to use for cleaning engine parts while he worked on the engines of cars.  This day my father had chosen a "Nehi Orange" drink bottle to put the gasoline in. 
Gasoline, at least at that time if not now, had an orange appearance to it.  My sister decided to take a good swallow of the orange drink she saw sitting on the porch without asking first.  She believed it to be a drink my father was drinking and not the gasoline it actually was.  She managed to gulp down a few swallows before realizing it was not an orange drink.  She began screaming and choking at the same time so my father quickly turned around and assessed the problem immediately. 
Our car was not put back together yet so my parents had to have the neighbor take my mom and sister to the hospital.  People at that time normally only owned one car in a family. 
In the end Vickie was ok, the hospital took proper care of her.  She had no long term effects and my father somehow survived my mothers' scolding which was severe.   Dad no longer stored gasoline in drink bottles.  Lesson learned (the hard way).

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