Sunday, May 31, 2015

Christmas crunchies

Lets see, Brent would have been 20 months old at this time.  As you can tell from the photographs it was Christmas time.   I decided to include this first photograph so you can see how the Christmas tree ended up being decorated.  You will notice the distinct lack of ornaments on the lower half of the tree.  The tree is decorated in this manner because I came down the hall from the back of the house to find him sitting in front of the tree EATING the ornaments.  He was eating the GLASS ornaments!  I was frightened to death.  I was sure this was going to kill him.  I scooped him up and took him to the doctor.  This was the one time in our early life that I actually had a car at home to use.  Rob had a motorcycle that he drove to work so I had the car to use in this emergency.  Thankfully the doctor did not think this was going to hurt him as it appeared he had done an excellent job of chewing up the glass.  Although his mouth had cuts in it they were not serious enough to worry about, I just had to watch to be sure there was no blood in his diapers and move all the glass ornaments out of his reach.  You will notice there are ornaments, but the ones you see are actually made of yarn.  I have always said Brent would eat anything if it didn't eat him first and this may have been where it all started. 

This was only his second Christmas and he was very excited.  In the picture at the top of the post you will notice he got a car hauler, a "motorcycle", a horse to ride on and yes that is a doll but it is one of those that teaches you how to zip, button, tie shoe laces, snap, and etc.  The photograph just above is Brent opening a gift, he's pretty cute for 20 months in his little footy pajamas. 

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