Thursday, May 14, 2015


While I was in the first grade at Bay View Boulevard, I recall having a television set in our classroom.  Looking back that must have been some major electronics because at that time not even every home had one single television let alone a school having one in a classroom..
I recall a teacher, or someone coming to the door of our classroom crying and telling my teacher to turn on the television, which by the way was a black and white, there was no such thing as a color television at the time.  My teacher had us all gather around the television in the corner of our classroom and watch as the news replayed the presidential motorcade of President John F Kennedy.  My teacher was crying and seemed scared.  The commenter on the television said the President had been shot in the head.  It was hours, literally, before we were told he was dead.  I remember feeling oddly overwhelmed.   We did not return to our school work that day. 
President Kennedy was well loved so it was a very emotional time for our country.  The entire country was mourning, devastated by this horrific loss.  I remember being sad, but I think it was because I could feel my teachers' and parents sadness an not because I actually understood what was going on.  This was an important piece of history and I had been a part of it. 

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