Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dads birthday

This is a birthday celebration for my father.  This particular birthday he had just come home from a trip to Texas where he joined the United States Customs Agency.  He brought gifts home for our family.  You can see the pink poncho I am wearing and the colorful vest Sharon has on, these were a few of the gifts he brought us as he announced we would be moving from Virginia to that far away illusive state of Texas after a training period where he would be gone alone.
In the picture you will see in the far back from left to right, Paula Grimes and my mother.  In the "middle" row  you will see left to right, Tommy Grimes, Russell Grimes, my father, my sister Sharon, my sister Vickie (unfortunately the photographer decapitated her).  My sister Kathy is sitting in my fathers lap and in front left to right is me and my cousin Julie Grimes.
We moved to Texas about five months later for my fathers first assignment. 

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