Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Only in the South

As I was driving to my sister's house on Monday to pick up my mother to bring her home after she visit with my sister.  I passed a familiar  landmark along the way.  That landmark always gets a chuckle from me, it is a street name, "Hog Walla".  I have to laugh because this is the spelling and you would only find a name like that in Alabama, well perhaps Louisiana or Mississippi but only in the Southern states for sure.  I started to think of a couple of other cities in the area where I was and there is "Slap Out", where one of my daughter-in-laws lived as a young girl and then there is "Flea Hop".  Don't you wonder about the settler or the city council that chose those names?  Sometimes I wonder if it was originally a joke that stuck.  It never fails to amuse me.  There are plenty of Indian names in the state of Alabama and those I can understand since there were Indians inhabiting the state before whites came but, "Hog Walla, Slap Out and Flea Hop"?

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