Thursday, May 14, 2015

Can you spell that please?

I attended Bay View Boulevard Elementary School first, second and part of third grade.  My mother did not like my third grade teacher, she said the teacher was particularly mean.  I don't remember that she was any more mean than any other teacher I had had but my mom said she was.  If I forgot my lunch money at home the teacher would put me next to her at lunch and while I didn't eat anything she would eat her lunch right in front of me.  This may seem like it wasn't a big deal but I was a VERY thin child and had issues keeping my weight on.  My mother had requested that if I forgot my lunch money to let me eat and she would bring the money up or send it the next day.  Neither the teacher nor the school called my mother or sent a note home letting her know about my missing lunch.  Apparently, I was a forgetful child because according to my mother this happened frequently.  I do have to say that eating never mattered to me, I never  thought about food.  I could miss a meal without ever thinking about it.  I often forgot to eat.
My mother was also concerned with the rate at which materials were presented in my classes.  She felt that the school was behind.  I was in third grade and the teacher was more concerned with making me spell my middle name than teaching me cursive writing.  My middle name is "Coulier" but is pronounced coo-yea.  Virginia taught phonetics so you can see that spelling my middle name was certainly a challenge.  This teacher insisted that I write my full name, including my middle, on every paper.  My mother lost patience and removed me from this school and put me in a private school called Princess Anne Academy in the middle of the school year.    

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