Thursday, May 28, 2015

I love Science

My Science class was really fun.  Science was and is my favorite subject.  I cannot remember my teacher's name, I can only remember it was a man and that he always seemed happy.  He seemed just as curious about science as I.  One of the things we were learning about that year was rockets and rocket fuel propulsion.  To help us better understand, we were required to design and make a rocket from balsa wood.  It had to be dynamically sound, and we had to make it ourselves with no help from anyone.  The rockets had to be six to eight inches long.  We bought these tiny CO2 canisters to insert into the bottom of the rockets.  The teacher tied string from the school building out to a pole located far away from the building.  Our rockets had small eye socket screws along the top of them.  We placed the rocket on the string and slightly punctured the CO2 canister and boy would that rocket take off.  Each student flew their rocket horizontally, it was somewhat of a competition to see whose could travel the greatest distance.  Because the rocket was on the string it was an easy retrieval for multiple launches.  This class was some of the most fun I ever had in a Junior High School classroom.

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