Monday, February 23, 2015

The Rocking Chair

One of the first purchases Rob and I made was a rocking chair.  I remember we went to Williamsburg, Virginia to the "pottery outlet" at the time back in 1979 and bought a rocking chair.  We hadn't been married that long but I love to rock and mostly I knew that someday when I had children I wanted to rock them.  I did rock all of my children and I rock my grandchildren.  I know people tell you that rocking spoils children and it may for all I know but I think it has spoiled me as well.  I have loved every minute I have spent rocking with a child in my arms, infant or larger just sitting, rocking being near to the little child that Heavenly Father entrusted into my care.  I love all of my children so much.  Somehow sitting in a rocking chair with a child reading, drawing, watching television, talking or whatever implies trust between the two parties.  I am giving my child or grandchild love and trust, telling them I will always be there, I will always be a safe place, a listening ear, a hug, an place of unconditional love and I feel that they are giving the same back.  I guess it may not be that way for everyone but it is for me.   

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