Friday, February 27, 2015

Sons as Fathers

I was thinking today just how blessed I was to have two such wonderful sons.  Not just because my sons are such great sons.  They are, they are kind compassionate men who I really like.  I am proud of both of them for the men that they are.  I was thinking today about the fathers they are, how they take care of their children.  They are both caring and goofy, fun and loving fathers.  It does my heart good to watch them interact with their children.  The tenderness and concern they show their children when one of them are sick or the stern glare them give them when one has gone a bit too far.  I have to laugh at some of their antics as they play goofy games to entertain their little ones or swing a child for hours, literally.  The teaching moments they take, the wrestling, the laugher, all the things that make a father a father.  I am thankful that my sons are great examples of what a father should be.

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