Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Happy Health

Thursdays are for "medical updates".  Sometimes we think of all medical updates as having to do with visiting the doctor only.  A great deal of our health depends on the joy we look for or find in our every day lives.  It doesn't mean that life is always easy because quite frankly it rarely is.  What it means is that we take the time to laugh or look for the fun or the beauty or the joy in that day or even in that moment.  At times that may be hard work, at times that may be the easiest thing in the world.  In the picture above it was provided by a tickle fest with my grandson in my lap and the lovely makeover my granddaughter gave me to "make me look younger", both of which are health inspiring and free!  We just have to look for those things that make us happy.  The few snowflakes flying in the wind today make me happy.  So, today, happy health!  

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