Thursday, February 19, 2015

Street sledding

Since the winter weather continues to deepen in our southern state I thought of all the crazy things we did as children when we were young when it snowed and was super cold.  One of the things my father did that I can't believe my mother ever allowed was to take us out sledding.  Now I know you are thinking that that shouldn't stress out any mother and under normal circumstances it wouldn't but we sledded under what I will term special circumstances. 
Whenever there was particularly icy snow storms or ice storms where the streets would ice up my father would back out our car from the drive way tie a  fairly short rope on the back bumper of the car and my sisters and I would hop onto a trash can lid or a sled and he would pull us down the street.  When we would go around a corner it would sling shot us pretty fast and we would laugh ourselves silly and scream at the same time.  It was so much fun.  While he was not really going fast it seemed to us he was.  You must understand that the neighborhood was a small closed neighborhood and we were literally the only ones on the road.  (I am guessing other mothers objected to this practice, lol).  I realize now that this was seriously dangerous but as a kid you trust your father implicitly.  No one ever got hurt, my father was VERY careful with us.  You could never do anything like that today, too may cars, too much traffic, too high speeds, etc.  Heck when I was a child most families only owned one car and a lot of families didn't even own a car they walked, rode bikes, buses or other city transportation. 

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