Tuesday, April 28, 2015


When I was a senior in high school my father had been on a "stake out."  Remember that my father worked for the U.S. Customs service in the drug enforcement area.  He did a great amount of undercover work.  This particular time he had confiscated a pickup truck load of marijuana.  When the confiscated drugs back in 1974 they would destroy them by burning them.
As a side note, one that is funny to me, they used to burn them at their facility in Nogales, Arizona.  There is only a fence that separated the United States from Mexico.  Half the city is in the U.S. and the other half is Nogales, Mexico.  There was a hill that rose up just across the border in Mexico; it lay across from the "customs house", it was a relatively small hill and uninhabited.  Whenever customs would burn any contraband the hill would fill with Mexicans, usually men.  They would sit sniffing the air.  I would watch occasionally when I happen to be in Nogales with my dad on a burn day.  The wind tended to blow in Mexico's direction as a general rule.  It was funny to me, as a youth and even today as I envision the men sitting on that hill breathing in the smoke from the burning drugs getting high.
Back to my original story, my father had brought the pick up truck home from work that had held the marijuana; inside the truck bed was a great deal of the dried weed and seed.  Dad asked me to sweep up the remains and put it into a trash bag.  When finished I brought the bag in to my dad and he locked it up in the cab of the truck.
It happened at the time that I knew of a young man whose father was in the same unit as my father at customs and I knew that the young man was quite the drug dealer.  My father knew of this situation as well because I told him about it.  I think my father really validated his trust in me by asking me to do this and not asking me if I "got it all in the bag."  He knew I would do it and that he needn't worry.  His trust was not misplaced.  I still think it's funny to this day that he asked me to do it and that I just went out and casually did it without a second thought. 

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