Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Exploding teeth and other things

When I was 14 or 15 and living in Houston Texas I had a weird and uncommon experience with my adult teeth.  The top front four teeth decided to burst out of my mouth.  When I say burst that is exactly what I mean.  It was summer, thank goodness, and I recall two of my front teeth hurting badly; all of a sudden I felt my mouth fill with blood and sharp bits of hard something.  I spit the stuff into my hand and to my horror I discovered I had a hand full of blood and tooth shards.  Shortly afterwards the two other front teeth did the same.  I could not believe it, how did this happen?  I was spitting and crying thinking that I was going to be a toothless teen.  My mother, of course, called the dentist and we immediately went in to his office.  Luckily I found out that I did indeed have another set of adult teeth moving quickly into place.  In fact the pressure of the new set (the third set) of teeth coming in is what caused the normal second set of teeth to burst.  The dentist actually had to pull broken shards of tooth from my gums before I went home.  It was not pleasant but the new teeth came in within a short time.  I was glad that it was summer so that I could spend the time in my bedroom as it was rather embarrassing to be a teenager with four missing front teeth.
Now for the "other thing."  Today, being 5? years old, I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned and complained of a tooth being a little touchy.  It doesn't really hurt but is touchy at times.  It's been a problem for about 5 years now.  About 15 years ago I cracked the tooth and had to have it filled then I got a cavity under that filling and had to have it re-drilled and refilled.  I changed dentist because the tooth was bothering me so they drilled it out and I was given a crown.  The tooth continued to bother me although I couldn't decide if it was that one or the one in front of it so for three years the dentist really did nothing so once again I changed dentists.  The new dentist decided I needed a root canal which was complicated because the roots go up into the sinus cavity and hook; that was two years ago.  The tooth is still touchy.  The little girl that was going to clean my teeth today looked at the x-ray that was in my chart from the endocrinologist from the root canal and she immediately said, "Oh! There's a baby tooth between that tooth and the one in front of it, look!"  Sure enough, there it was.  It is not in a place where it can just be pulled out either, it would require surgery if it has to come out.  I am thinking that once I know if it has to come out then I will determine how I will handle it.  How weird is my body?  Are there any other extra teeth lurking in my mouth?  Good grief!  

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