Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I can hardly think of this incident much less write it down.  I will do my best to write it but know that as I type I gag.  While I attended Princess Anne Academy and was in the third grade I believe I had the MOST horrific incident.
We always had a glass of milk for lunch, there were no other options.  I hated sitting by this one boy for lunch, he was always a snotty kid, always snorting up his snot.  I had never known anyone to be so full of snot like this boy.  Since I gag easily I could never stand to be near this boy.
We sat on bench seats at our lunchroom tables.  This day he sat down next to me pretty much as usual.  He was sniffing as usual, grossing me out, when all of a sudden he sneezed.  Snot... more that I have ever seen in my entire life, went straight into his glass of milk, FILLING it up with his perpetually green snot in the white milk.  It literally made the milk spill out.  The snot was all over him and the table as well.  I gagged and heaved so much I had to be dismissed. It was a horrible day.  I was never able to sit near that kid again and I never drank milk again until I was 25 years old!  Now my grandchildren will understand why I gag every time they snort up their snot.  Shiver, shiver.  They may notice too that if they have super snotty noses I do NOT drink milk.  Yeesh!

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