Thursday, April 2, 2015

Abnormal Childhood

While attending Gregory Portland Junior High School, my first Texas school, there was one final act against me that forced my parents to move from our home in Portland.  It was a typical day at school, attending my classes, talking to very few people as my parents encouraged because of my fathers' line of work.  That was pretty easy for me since I am a fairly shy person by nature.  It seemed just a normal day.
When it came time for lunch I went to the cafeteria with my class as usual, bought my lunch, paid for it, then sat down to eat it.  I took up my fork to begin to eat when the principal yelled from the entryway, "Put your utensils down", as he ran through the door.  An odd request but all of the students obeyed.  He continued to run into the room and up to my table (much to my embarrassment) and knocked my tray onto the floor scattering my food and utensils in all directions.  I know I looked at him like he had lost his mind because I truly thought he had.
The principal grabbed my arm and led me out of the cafeteria door with every eye following our every movement amid whispers.  Towards his office we went.  Once we reached the office area I saw my mother running through the front entrance of the school headed straight for us.  We all three went into his office together where my mother revealed to me the reason for the cafeteria scene.
Apparently my father's cover had been blown somehow and a person called our house telling my mom that I was headed to lunch right then and that he had had someone poison the food on my tray to "get the pigs kid."  My mother kept her wits enough to hang up and call the principal as an emergency who then acted immediately to stop me from eating a bit of my food, thankfully his timing ended up being perfect.  I was safe but I was not so sure about my mom and the principal at first.  They both looked like they might have a heart attack or throw up at any minute. 
As always my father was unreachable as he was still undercover, but my mom withdrew me from school at that moment, then we went around and withdrew my sisters from their respective schools.  After my mother collected all of us children we went home and packed essentials.  My mother made some important phone calls to try to contact my father.
The phone rang finally and still it was not my father, it was, however, his boss letting us know we were to go to Houston, Texas, check into a certain hotel and wait there for my dad, and so we did.  This would be how we made the move from Portland, Texas to Houston, Texas.  Just that fast under just those circumstances.  Just an idea of how crazy our lives really were. 

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