Thursday, April 2, 2015

I Won!

The local newspaper in Corpus Christi ran a drawing contest, the winning entry would win a sewing machine and have their entry run in the newspaper for a week.  I drew a pencil drawing of an old west girl outside of an old west store and submitted it to the newspaper.  After the few weeks of the contests duration my drawing appeared in the newspaper as the winner.  I was so excited.  After a few days of my drawing appearing I received a letter in the mail stating where I needed to go to pick up my sewing machine.
Mom and I went together to pick up the machine as I did not drive yet.  I was so thrilled, I wanted to learn to sew and this was the means of my learning as my mother did not like me to use her machine.  I was  honored too for having won the prize in the first place.  When we presented the letter to the store where we were to pick up the sewing machine, the salesman pointed out the machine I was to receive and prepared it for me.  The salesman of course being a salesman tried to sell my mother extra stuff for the machine.  I would have been surprised if he had not after all that is his job. 
My mother got offended that he would even try to sell her anything and consequently got into an argument with the man over his sales tactics and ended up refusing the machine all together, the FREE machine; the one sitting on the counter ready and waiting for her to carry out to the car with no strings attached.  When she "righteously" refused it I was crushed, it was my prize and my mothers' temper had caused her to unreasonably refuse it because she had lost patience with a man trying to make a living.  Her angry pride wouldn't even allow her to accept what was already mine, she demanded I follow her out of the store without touching the machine.  It was a hard pill for me to swallow, but I had won the contest and my drawing did run in the newspaper for a week, it was the first time I had my art validated publically and I was proud of my accomplishment.

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