Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bang, Bang!

My father was trying to sell his Nichol plated .45 gun.  He had spread the word that he was selling it among those men he worked with.  Quite a few were interested in the gun and each time someone wanted to look at the gun my father would drop the clip and remove the bullet from the chamber.  Dad always kept his guns loaded because of the risky job he had.  (My sisters and I knew never to touch my fathers' guns.)  He always had a gun with him and this one most frequently.  Each time dad put the clip and bullet back in the gun he put the same bullet in the chamber and would carefully lower and hammer down onto the bullet not thinking about the long term effect of doing so, which was unusual for my father.
My father was on a stake out at the Houston airport a few days after showing his gun so frequently.  He and his partner had been literally laying low in a car parked near where a drug deal was going down; almost like you see on television, he and his partner were waiting until the correct time to have the evidence they needed to prosecute before showing themselves.  They were slowly getting out of the car to make their way closer to the drug deal before reveling themselves when my father reached over and took his gun off the seat of the car and "slapped" it against his side as he always did to slide it into his belt.  Because he had chambered the same bullet multiple times the bullets' back end had become worn and thin so the jarring from him slapping it in his belt caused the fun to fire.  My father had accidently shot himself in the abdomen.  Needless to say the drug deal broke up immediately and dad's partner got him to the hospital as quickly as possible.  I have to state here that this is the story my dad told us, who know if it was actually true as far is how the gunshot wound happened.  All I know for sure is that he was shot by a .45 caliber gun.
My father's wound was large, a small hole in the front of his body but a large hole in the back.  The shirt he was wearing was full of blood even though my father had tried to rinse it out some at the hospital so my mother would not be as upset (really?).  He somehow managed to miss all his vital organs by a hair, thankfully!  When he walked in the door at home and my mother saw the bloodied shirt with a large hole in it, she fainted.  When she came too she was just plain mad!  My father made a quick if somewhat uncomfortable recovery.  After a while it was a funny family story, but it did take a LONG while before it became funny!

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