Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Great Great Great Grandfather

Currently their are riots happening in Baltimore, Maryland in the name of "protesting" the death of a black man by the hands of police (most likely white, I haven't heard).  While I think it is tragic when and if any person is wrongfully killed by a police officer or anyone else I do not think it is ok to display violence in this manner. 
My husband and I visited Baltimore last summer looking for my third great grandfathers grave.  He was buried in a Jewish graveyard there.  The day we came into the city we ran behind time due to tremendous traffic and confusing roads.  The directions we had received to the Jewish museum were inadequate but we managed to finally make it to our destination very late in the day.  At the museum we discovered that my third great grandfather was in fact buried in Baltimore, we were given his exact location so we could visit the grave.  We also discovered that my third great grandfather had actually attended the Synagogue two doors down from the museum.  I was thrilled and amazed to know he had actually walked where I was and attended church just two doors down.  Unfortunately because we arrived so late the Synagogue was already closed for the day.  Our schedule did not allow me to stay an extra day to tour it the next day so I had to plan to return as soon as time and budget allows. 
Currently there are riots happening in Baltimore, Maryland in the name of "protesting" the death of a black man by the hands of police (most likely white, I haven't heard).  While I think it is tragic when and if any person is wrongfully killed by a police officer or anyone else I do not think it is ok to display violence in this manner.  I hope the Synagogue and my third great grandfathers' grave survives the rampage of ignorance going on at this time.  These people are not protesting anything, they are proudly acting out their need for violence.  They are destroying the lives and livelihood of black and white alike, of their own neighbors!  The rioters do not deserve to be heard, they deserve to be prosecuted.  To call this a protest is a gross inaccuracy and an excuse.   

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