Thursday, March 12, 2015

Sing it Baby

I was reminded in a round about way through a Facebook PM this morning of how as a youth we listened to a lot of music.  Music was a big part of our lives.  We listened to the radio and owned a lot records both 45's and 78's they were eight inch and twelve inch in diameter.  We had record players with needles, yes real needles that would puncture or scratch your fingers or in our cases your records if you weren't careful.  You could even buy a diamond cut needle that was the best and most expensive.  I had one of those coveted needles and boy did it play well.  We had stereos, I didn't get one until I was 15, they were so expensive and it was a treasure.  Your record players could hold one, two or sometimes three records but no more, you had to change them all by hand.  We didn't mind because we loved music.  We had these little record rack that you lined your records up on beside the record player so you would have them in the order you wanted to play them in to make it easier.  My sisters, cousins and even my parents all listened to and even danced to music in our home often.  We would all be dancing in our living room regularly.  My father being the only guy in my family would have to do a lot of dancing.  My favorite dance to watch him do was "the funky chicken" he was all arms and legs.  He was a funny man, so huge dancing "modern" dances.  We did the twist, the mashed potato, the jerk, the swing, and so many others I can't name right this minute. 
One game we played often when we got tired and giddy was to name a song that went with whatever someone said. An example would be:  if my sister asking me to stop doing something I would start singing, "STOP, in the name of love... before you break my heart..."  (yes, that is a song).  or if she said, "If you don't stop I am going to beat the snot out of you" I might sing, "and the beat goes on..." (by Sonny and Cher).  It has just occurred to me that any song I try to sing here will probably not be recognized and therefore lose it's impact.  Suffice it to say that anything anyone could say another of the siblings could come up with a song that would have a phrase that would match it.  Even though my sisters and I are old(er) we can still do it and have done so in the recent past.  It is a fun activity actually, well at least for the creative!  Did you hear the challenge?  Try it sometime, even if it's only in your mind.      

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