Monday, March 16, 2015

"Go Go boots"

When I was very young Nancy Sanatra was beginning to be all the rage along with her famous "Go go boots".  Go go boots were white mid-calf boots with white loose pom-poms attached at the top center front of the boot.  I wanted a pair of these boots so bad.  I was very young and did not understand money or budgets so I just assumed I would get them because I asked for them.
My father clever man that he was, told me he would get them for me if I could out run him to the end of our block.  My father being generous gave me a full half block lead.  How could I say no?  He was an old man in my estimation (he was about 31 or 32 at the time) and he was 6' 4" and as skinny as a rake.  I accepted his challenge.  We lined up and he hollered on your mark, get set, go.  I took off running for all I was worth. I turned to glance back about halfway to the end of the block and dad had started to run.  It wasn't more than a couple of seconds later that I was being scooped up into my fathers' arms as he completed a very quick run to the end of the block with me in his arms crying while he finished the trip because I had lost.  I never underestimated my father's abilities after that, never took him up on a bet either.  Most importantly, I did not get those boots. 

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