Monday, January 12, 2015

This is a picture of my cousin Bill and his wife Meredith.  As you can see I found a way to make the photo bigger.  I will see if I can do that again in the future!  Cool!
When I grew up we spent a lot (A LOT) of time at our cousins, Fredda and "little Bill"s, house.  We always had such a great time together.  There was so much to do and play and we sure found everything there was to do and made up even more believe me.  This little story has to do with my cute little cousin (who is now in his forties) Bill.  That boy had the most annoying habit of making the highest pitched squeaky noise.  It hurt my ears to hear him do it.  I was sure he would have no voice when he grew up, that he would have ruined his vocal cords by making this noise and would not be able to udder a word when he grew up.
It was unusual to not hear his little squeaky self making excited noises running around bugging us girls when my three sisters and I came to visit for the day.  This particular day he had been quiet for an unusually long time.  We children kept asking, "Where's Bill?"  and finally Aunt Sandy took up our concern and went looking for Bill and eventually she found him in the garage.  There he sat in the garage floor with a screwdriver in hand, a smile on his face and parts of the homes heater all over the floor around him.  He was such a boy and was so curious and smart.  He was happy as a lark.  Aunt Sandy shrieked because the part stack was no small stack.  Bill was quite proud of himself.  My father was quite the handyman but looked at the pile of parts and immediately said, "you need to call a heater repair man."   Oops.  Joyfully, little Bill got up from his spot and joined the onlookers, I can't remember if or what kind of scolding he received.  We were all in such shock that he was even able to disassemble such a major thing without getting shocked that I think we were all shocked ourselves.   Uncle Buck did call the repairman, all the parts were here so it was able to be reassembled and all was well.
That little squeaky rascal boy grew up to be an actor with a wonderful voice.  Bill Powers.  He has been in film and commercials.  He's my cute little cousin (even in his 40's).  The only little boy that used to follow us around and play with the five big girls (poor guy).  Actually, he didn't seem to mind.   

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