Thursday, January 29, 2015


Thursdays are supposed to be my medical update days, so why are you seeing a box of Lego men in front of your eyes?  The only real update I have is that I have a second opinion concerning my seizures with a neurological appointment on April first so that's pretty boring!  You are looking at this picture so you will see what I spent about 20 to 25 minutes doing.  If you look carefully in the upper right hand top of the photo, in the box lid you will notice a TINY grey Lego gun, that my friend is the only GREY Lego gun I own and my grandson knows it.  I have quite a few brown ones, that makes them common therefore undesirable.  There are MANY hundreds of Lego men pieces in that little box and Greyson was very patient as I searched for the one, lonely little TINY grey Lego gun.  I do this for two reasons:  First and foremost, I love Greyson.  Secondly I love to play with Legos myself.  We were playing "Lego shark attack" so we had to have something to defend ourselves, of course it needed to be the grey gun because it was the only one that could shoot underwater.  Hence the search.  So, now you know what Grammy's do on Thursdays.  Note:   If anyone has any little tiny grey Lego guns they would like to get rid of feel free to let me know I would love to have them.    

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