Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Publishers Clearing House

This story isn’t exactly about me but it is about my husband and me so it counts.  Robin and I were living in Troy, Alabama and our children were fairly young little kittles.  We were finally doing ok. Rob had gotten his degree and finally gotten a “real” job.  You know the kind of job that paid the bills and started getting us on the road to where we wanted to go.  The key words here was started us.  We still dreamed of big money just falling out of the sky into our laps.  Surely we are not the only ones who have done this.  It was the time of year where Publishers Clearing house was awarding their annual big prize, of course we had sent all our entries in, we were not going to be left out of the drawing.
Just the week before I had been home and received the oddest phone call asking me if I would be home on a particular day for a delivery, normally I did not receive calls checking on deliveries so I told Rob about it.  It happened that I would be home, I was home every day, I was a home maker.  The day also happened to be the day that Publishers Clearing House was scheduled to make their surprise delivery.  Robin and I were in the front yard with the children playing and talking about the odd call and how I hadn’t had a delivery at all that day after all.  Robin starts laughing and said, “what if it was Publishers Clearing House”.  I laugh and laugh at him.  We start making plans on what we would do with our ficticous money and even began to argue about it.  So funny!  As we continue to discuss it ,a shiny new black van with no windows comes around the corner and starts up the street slowly like it’s looking for an address.  As it comes down the street Robin starts laughing wildly and saying, “it really is Publishers Clearing House, they were on the phone, they are coming”, he started jumping up and down like crazy.  I started laughing because I started to believe him.  He got louder and laughed louder and jumped higher.  Then the van drove past.  I thought Robin was going to stroke out.  He looked at me like it was all my fault.  Then all I could do was laugh so hard I cried and cried.  It was so funny I nearly died.  He was so mad at me I think he didn’t talk to me for three days.  It makes me laugh like a lunatic sitting here now although it happened 25 years ago.    

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