Sunday, January 18, 2015

Spring Valley Beach

 Every summer in July Robin’s company has a picnic at Spring Valley Beach.  His company allows you to bring your children to the picnic and so we do.  Our children just happen to be grown.  Our children and grandchildren all come every year.  Steph has missed one I think.  We have SO MUCH FUN!  Spring Valley Beach is an adventure park for the grand children, they think they have died and gone to waterpark heaven.  The little kittle area is huge and is tons of fun!  I normally spend all my time there watching what seems like 40 grandchildren.  Have you ever noticed that when your little non swimming children are in the water that one child seems like fourteen?  Somehow that child takes more watching after than the average herd of buffalo.  You are so sure they are going to drown in the one second you look away because anytime you do look away for one second and you turn back around they are vomiting water so you are screaming in your head, “it was only one second man!”.  So, as I was saying I normally spend my time watching all 40 grandchildren (I have 11, 4 swim) with the help of 1 or 2 parents (out of the 6).  The parents generally take turns so they can go ride the adult rides.  I don’t go take turns because once again if I turn my back for one second one of the 40 grandchildren will drown, I just know it.  I prefer to spend my time going 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 where’s Joseph?  Where’s Joseph?  What do you mean he went with is dad?  Brent didn’t tell me?  Brent took him without telling me?  Ok... I guess he is his child.  1-2-3-4-5-6-7…

In the late afternoon once I am too tired to count and have come to realize the children are no longer vomiting water but are holding their breath better when they tip over I do trade out with someone and go for a ride or two on the big slides. 

This last summer I spent a lot of time with Robin, Haley and Allie riding the big slides.  I am not sure how it happened but it did.  We had a blast.  The big girls thought it was great that Grammy went with them and I think that was the most I have ever ridden there.    

This year however I need to ride what the kids call the toilet bowl.  I have no idea if that is the real name or not but that is what they call it but I have to ride it at least once.  But I am sure my day will at least begin with  the baby pool and the 40 grandchildren and the counting, lots and lots of counting and I will be happy counting and knowing that my babies are safe and my children are having a carefree, happy, fun filled day.


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