Friday, January 23, 2015

Ka boom!

My father was in the Navy and stationed aboard a ship as a mechanic during the time of the Korean War.  My mother and father were married and my mother was living in California as my fathers ship was based out of San Francisco. 
At some point while my father's ship was out at sea there was an explosion aboard ship and my father was blown up along with several other men.  I do not know if this was in battle or if it was an accident.  Apparently that day my father had lent a shirt to another seaman who had been killed.  My mother received a telegram from the Naval department telling her that my father had been killed so she had made arrangements to return to Virginia.  The Navy department told her that they would be sending my father's body back to Virginia and would contact her when his body arrived and all details needed. 
My sadly mother made her way back to Virginia and apparently had a funeral for what she assumed was my father.  My father meanwhile was in a Naval hospital in California in a Coma and had been for three months when he finally came around.  Even though he came to it took a while for him to remember who he was and what had happened.  He remembered lending his shirt that day and to whom he had lent his shirt.  He remembered being blown up.  The doctors told him about his injuries the only lasting ones effects were deafness in one ear and damage to one eye but everything else had healed while he had been in the coma.  He asked about my mother and they explained what had happened, what she had been told, how she had left, had buried a man, etc.  My father wasn't sure how he wanted to handle all this because he knew this was going to be a shock to her.
He decided not to call her and break it to her over the phone, he thought it would be better to take the train to Virginia and tell her himself, so he did just that.  After getting to Norfolk my father walked up to the door of her home and knocked on her front door like he had any sense.  She answered the door as normal, saw him standing there and promptly fainted!  Of course she fainted!  There stood her dead husband on her front porch! 
Once she came to my father explained the full situation as she sat in his lap and cried the entire time.  My father was honorably put out of the Navy on disability but I think my parents didn't mind so much at that point.  And that was the FIRST time my father was blown up....

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