Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Dancing in the middle of the night?

When Robin worked for Kappler he tended to have to go out of the country not only often but near Christmas every year.  I was used to it so it never bothered me since I had grown up with my father being gone so often with his job it wasn't a thing I found out of the ordinary or distressing. 
This particular year Brent was out in California on his mission so it was only Stephanie, Warren and I at home alone.  I am one of those crazy women that will confront you if you bother my family or home.  This evening was no different.
I had heard some noises around my house several nights in a row.  Each night it had happened late at night and I had gone out and circled the house looking to see if anyone was out side.  I was not happy anyone was bothering me with my children at home.  My children by the way were 12 and 17 but hey, they are still my children.  I was still going to protect them!
Stephanie and Warren had been asleep for hours but I had stayed up to make sure my children would be safe with an apparent prowler in the neighborhood.  When I heard someone on the front porch of my house I decided not to go out my front door again but instead to go into Stephanie's bedroom and look out her window.  Her bedroom window had the best, widest view onto the front porch.  I snuck into her room so I wouldn't wake her.  I quietly pulled back the curtains and blinds simultaneously so I wouldn't wake her and I was immediately confronted with a huge close unidentified face right before me.  I was careful not to scream so I wouldn't wake my sleeping child but the face was so bold and didn't move away.  Surely he'd seen me standing there.  I started pounding on the window to frighten him away.  He still didn't move.  Stephanie did!  She bolted out of her bed screaming at the top of her lungs.  She had heard the banging coming from her window and saw no one because I was hidden behind the curtains and blinds and she'd been awakened from a dead sleep.  Her screaming was so terrified and genuine that it somehow made me scream.  I ran across the room and grabbed her shoulders and told her it was ok, it was just me, she was still screaming.  I hugged her and started crying, I had nearly frightened my child to death.  I forgot about the man at the window, surely the man at the window had bolted by now with all the screaming going on in the house.  Stephanie was so out of it she continued to scream and cry until she came fully awake and finally while crying, accusingly asked me what I was doing.  I tell that her I don't want to scare her.  She asked again.  So I told her.  She looked at me like I was half crazy, "Mom, that's the wreath YOU hung there last week!".  Oh... my... gosh.  I just nearly gave my daughter a heart attack over a wreath, hanging at her window, right where I hung it the week before!   The noises I had been hearing the last few days was the wreaths at the windows in the house under the high winds we had been having.  I had been checking around the house in the middle of the night for the specter of the wind.
There was only one thing left to do.  Throw ourselves back on the bed and laugh until we cried AGAIN!    

1 comment:

  1. Best night ever.... lol if u remember we even emailed aunt sharon
