Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day-cations with the grands

I have simply THE MOST awesome, perfect, beautiful grandchildren that ever walked the face of the earth.  Just ask me and I will tell you all about it.  They are beautiful inside and out.  They are talented, kind, and compassionate.  They are intelligent and courageous.  I have Eleven wonderful Grandchildren.  Haley, Allie, Emily, Meredith, Sarah Kathryn, Rachel, Jocelyn and Natalie are the girls (all picture perfect).  Damien, Joseph and Greyson are the boys (all rough and tumble handsome little boys). 
I have decided to share a couple of pictures from way back in 2011 when we went with all the grandchildren to the space and rocket center in Huntsville, Alabama.  The children had the best time.  The big "children" rode the "adult" space shot many times and it was tremendously fun.  The little ones were a bit jealous even though there was plenty for them to do all over the park.  We were busy with so many activities all morning.
 After our traditional picnic lunch we noticed across from the picnic area there was a junior "space shot".  the big "little kids" were so thrilled.  Haley, Allie, Damien, Meredith and Emily could hardly finish their lunch for wanting to get over to the ride.  You must eat lunch when at one a of Grammy and Pop pop Day-cations in order to continue the rest of the day.  Needless to say lunch progressed at a very quick rate once they remembered the remainder of the day depended on their eating their lunch. 

In the picture above you will see Meredith, Damien, Haley, Emily and Allie at the top of the covered pavilion riding the space shot for the first time.  Their faces are a little apprehensive as they were not sure what to expect.  Once they realized how fun it actually was they rode it so many times they nearly made themselves sick.  Damien had to quit riding because he literally did make himself sick.  Sensible Emily quit before she got to that point.
Allie, Meredith and Haley ever the adventurers threw up their hands and rode on and on.  We decided that they must have cast iron stomachs.  They rode so long we had to MAKE them stop.  Emily and Damien had long since moved on to a less nauseating ride. 
We love to have day-cations with the grandchildren.  We love any time spent with our grandchildren. Each one is a treasure in their own right.  I guess I should spotlight them individually but I am hesitant to do anything like that on the internet.  I guess that may come from being 58. The only thing that comes close to the joy of being a mother is the joy of being a grandmother.